HENRY ROCHE is the great-great-grandson of the composer-pianist Ignaz Moscheles. Born in Beaconsfield in 1945, educated at St. Paul's School and at Magdalene College Cambridge (M.A. Classics). He studied piano with David Parkhouse at the Royal College of Music and joined The Royal Ballet in 1977 and was Head of Music Staff from 1991 until retiring in 2010, performing many solos and concertos by Chopin, Ravel, Henze, Ligeti etc. (including Frank Martin’s Harpsichord Concerto). Henry has broadcast and written articles on Moscheles, and organised and performed in several concerts of his music both in London and abroad. He has recently researched extensively on Moscheles’ letters and manuscripts, and contributed to Mark Kroll’s new biographical study which is due for publication this year. For the past 5 years, Henry has organised a Gala in London of music and ballet for the Ghana charity Ashanti Development, which has specialised in including new choreography by young dancers. |