The Commedia Ballet which premiered in 2011, was created by Susie Crow of Ballet in Small Spaces, with support of the Exuberant Trust. The Exuberant Players, being the 8 musicians who accompanied the ballet, also received awards from the Trust, to support their costs.
Diarmaid O'Meara and Jack Jones in Commedia,
photo by Bill Cooper
The Commedia ballet is the realisation of an idea that theatre director Sebastian Graham-Jones was developing at the time of his death in 2004.
Commedia is inspired by the paintings of Claude Harrison and Robin Holloway's Serenade in C. Commissioned by the Graham-Jones family with the support of the Exuberant Trust, it was created by Susie Crow for the Ballet in Small Spaces Tour in 2011 and performed by the company, accompanied by the Exuberant Players.
At the Showcase there will be a viewing of a short film made by Exuberant Trust award-holder Finn Burrows, showing extracts of the ballet Commedia.
Photograph by Bill Cooper shows Commedia dancers Jack Jones, Katherine Kingston,
Diamaid O’Meara, David Horn, Caroline Crawley and Bethany Elliott.
The Exuberant Trust supported 8 musicians who performed Robin Holloway’s Serenade in C for the Commedia Ballet in 2011. They are:
The Exuberant Players, playing for Commedia, featuring Guy Button,
James Toll and Asher Zaccardelli, photo taken by Bill Cooper.
10th Anniversary Showcase Performers - 22nd September 2013, Pegasus Theatre, Oxford.