


A further £4,500 has been raised by interested donors for the Commedia project, which is due to take place in 2011. This brings the total raised to £7,000.

£212 was also donatated at the Music at The Limes concert on 13th December 2009, so many thanks to all supporters and the performers Kate Whitley, Anuradha Chaturvedi and Lottie who stepped in at short notice to play some Bruch. Kate Whitley played Brahms pianoforte instead of the advertised Janacek and Scriabin.

Sarah Verney Caird who has been a Trustee since the beginning of Exuberant Trust and was Chair of the committee until January 2006 has now decided to resign after 7 years. Sarah will be missed due to her valuable input into all aspects of Trust and especially for her musical expertise.


The Exuberant Trust's fifth annual Showcase concert will take place on 15th February at the Holywell Music Room and will feature performances from 2009 award-winners Catriona Scott (clarinet), Dominic Lash (double bass) & Vanessa Wilde (flute).

This year's event is particularly special due to the collaboration with Pindrop Performances, who will providee the programme for the second-half with a Shostakovich string quartet performed by Isla Mundell-Perkins, Kate Whitley (also past award-winners!) & friends and then live music by Braindead Collective and We Areonauts. Pindrop Performances organiser and promoter Adam Whitley is also a past grantee.


A total of £200 was raised from donations from the Showcase in February and many thanks go to all supporters as always.

A new series of Music at The Limes Sunday concerts, starts on 14th March with pianist Geoffrey Hopkins playing a programme of pieces to celebrate the bicentennial year of Chopin's birth. This will start at 5.00pm in the Pavilion.


The Music at The Limes season continues at 6pm on Sunday, 11th April with a special concert of Music & Song from Afghanistan performed by Veronica and John Baily. This promises to be an exciting concert as John is an ethnomusicologist and the couple have travelled to Afghanistan, to research, study and learn Afghan music. The next Limes concert will be on Saturday, 24th April with a Classical Guitar Recital by Christoph Denoth at 5.00pm in the Pavilion.

Caroline Gulliver who has been a Trustee since May 2004 resigned at the Committee meeting held on the 25th April. Caroline was invaluable due to her vast knowledge of Charity and musical legislature, but also due to her large network of local musicians, performers and contacts. She was responsible for organising many of the Exuberant Showcases and has provided help or support at numerous Exuberant concerts and events. Caroline will be greatly missed.

Good news to follow sad however, as Lindsay Herford and Steve Pratley have both agreed to become new Trustees. Lindsay Herford has known of the Trust since it's conception and has been a regular supporter at concerts and events. Steve Pratley is an international expert in music, creativity and communication within Special Needs education and is a founding member and core instructor of the music charity Soundabout. Steve is also Head of Education at Flash of Splendour Arts, a not-for-profit creative arts organisation working with music, poetry and the visual arts.


Donations received from the last three concerts were £110.00 (14th March), £205.00 (11th April) and £205.00 (24th April).

This month's Music at The Limes will be held on Sunday, 9th May at 5.00 pm. Melissa Holding will give a talk about the Japanese instrument, the Kyoto and then a recital.


The Music at The Limes season continues on Sunday, 26th September with a concert for Piano trio, to include Ravel, performed by Kate Whitley - piano, Guy Button - violin and Robbie Stanley-Smith - cello.


Pianist Geoffrey Hopkins will perform The Chopin Etudes, at a Music at The Limes concert on Sunday, 10th October at 4.00 pm in the Pavilion. This will be followed by the last concert of the year on Sunday, 16th October at 6.00 pm when we are delighted to have some chamber music for strings performed by Anthony Wilkes & friends.

Donations received from the last three concerts, with many thanks to our supporters as always were: 26th September £130.00, 10th October £121.00 and 16th October £145.00.

The Exuberant Trust - Registered Charity No. 1095911

2003 - 2023