


A very Happy New Year to you all!

The Music at The Limes concert series for 2018 opens with a piano recital by Dominic Piers Smith at Sunday, 28th January at 4pm. In addition to a successful career as an award-winning Formula One aerodynamic car engineer, Dominic has performed as a concert pianist many times in the UK, Europe, the USA and worldwide. His concert at The Limes, entitled Dedications includes some of his favourite pieces by Liszt, Chopin & Schumann. You can read more about Dominic at

We would like to thank all those who participated in and attended the first ever Panel Discussion at The Limes on 3rd December 2017. The subject of The Therapeutic Uses of Music was presented by several music therapy practitioners, followed by a discussion with the audience. The event was extremely interesting and a total of £209 was donated to the Exuberant Trust.

Watch this space for more news, as Trustee Susanna Graham-Jones has already been extremely busy organising what promises to be nearly a full calendar of Music at the Limes events for 2018!


Our next Music at the Limes series continues on Sunday, 18th March at 6.00pm, with Fin De Siécle, a recital by William Leigh Knight (baritone) and John Collis (piano) featuring songs by Mahler and Fauré and including settings of poems by Verlaine.

Many thanks go to Dominic Piers Smith for his piano recital including music by Schumann, Schubert & Chopin at the Limes on 28th January and also for kindly providing copies of his double CD recordings of Chopin and Liszt. We would like to thank everone who attended the concert and donated a total of £510 to the Exuberant Trust (including donations for Dominic's CDs). This money will directly help to fund a senior grant for young creative artists in Oxfordshire.


We would like to thank William Leigh Knight and John Collis once again, for performing at the Limes on Sunday, 18th March with their concert Fin De Siécle. William and John have performed at The Limes in aid of the Exuberant Trust many times over the years and we are very grateful to the audience who donated a total of £195.


With Spring finally here (it's sunny at last!), we are please to announce the next Music at the Limes concert on Sunday, 22nd April at 6.00pm, with Love, Death & Nature: Great Composers in Song, a recital by Matt Secombe (tenor), with piano accompianment by Dominic Piers Smith. Matt and Dominic will play songs by Rossini, Mozart, Koechlin, Schubert, Bliss, Duparc, Liszt & more.


Our Music at the Limes series of concerts celebrates the first month of Summer with our next concert on Sunday, 3rd June at 7.00pm, with Candles: Piano music by 20th and 21st century composers, a piano recital by Késia Decoté. Késia will play an intesting and varied programme of music by Schoenberg, Yfat Soul Zisso, Michael Taplin, Marisa Rezende, Ruth Crawford-Seeger, Max Gibson, Angela Slater and Maja Palser.

We would also like to thank Matt Secombe and Dominic Piers Smith for their fantastic recital on Sunday, 22nd April at 6.00pm and to the extremely generous audience who donated a total of £281 (including donations for some of Dominics CD's). All donations received will directly help us to award further grants to young, creative artists in Oxfordshire.


Music at the Limes continues this Summer with the welcome return of Peter and Liz Cowdrey ( on Sunday, 22nd July at 7pm, with Birdsong and Gypsies, a programme covering 350 years of birdsong-inspired music and Eastern European Gypsy tunes

Huge thanks must go to Késia Decoté for her incredibly innovative piano recital at The Limes on Sunday, 3rd June, entitled Candles, a selection of piano music by 20th and 21st century composers.  Our extremely generous audience and supporters donated a total of £205.

The Exuberant Trust committee would like to extend its thanks to Damien Ramsurn, who has had to step-down as a trustee due to family circumstances. Damien provided an invaluable contribution to the Trust's activities, discussions and decisions and provided sound advice on many occasions, due to his particularly relevant experience to what the Trust does.


We are pleased to welcome Claire Sadler – cello, Tom Anderson – piano and Louise Taylor – piano to the Limes on 30th September at 6pm when they will perform a programme of music for Piano and Cello, including works by Beethoven, Poulenc, Walton, De Falla & Hindemith.


The next concert will be on Remembrance Sunday, when the Sappleden Trio will perform at at the Limes on 5pm, 11th November. Eri Sako – violin, Graham Appleton – cello and Marie Denivelle – piano will play music by Strauss, Fauré, Suk and Brahms.

Many thanks go to Clare Sadler, Tom Anderson and Louise Taylor for their wonderful concert for Piano and Cello, at The Limes on 30th September. We are yet again overwhelmed by the generousity of the audience and to all of those who donated a total of £372 to the Trust.  This will completely fund one of our Junior grants.  Thank you.


The last concert of the year welcomes pianist Rosemary Jefford to The Limes on Sunday, 3rd December at 3pm, for an afternoon concert of Piano music by Bach, Chopin, Liszt, Debussy and also some of her own works.

Huge thanks must go to the Sappleden Trio (Eri Sako – violin, Graham Appleton – cello & Marie Denivelle), who performed at The Limes on 5pm, 11th November with their programme entitled Dance le Calme. Thanks also must go to all of those who donated a total of £375 to the Exuberant Trust.

The Exuberant Trust - Registered Charity No. 1095911

2003 - 2023